Starting over often involves a lot of looking back. This is not a moment for starting over for us; it is a moment to start from zero and jump into the unknown. A moment to approach the creative life with the mind, innocence, and enthusiasm of a child, remembering the lessons we’re learning. Start from Zero, shed light in the void you’ve ignored till now. Be trusting and loyal to your own nature, your wit, uniqueness, and integrity. It’s time to take chances and leaps of faith, but this must all be designed by you. You can act on gut instinct, but remember to honor your spiritual yearning, and to find magic in the ordinary. You don’t need knowledge or experience to begin, just start. If you have no goal, it will appear in your creative self-inquiry. You’re not like everybody else, accept it and embrace it fully. You’re a child of the stars and possess the strength and courage of the creators that came before. The questions: who you are, what you’re doing here and your reason for existing can only be answered by stepping into your self-defined improvisational journey. Plant collaborative seeds and try to leave a good mark everywhere you go.